
Our Events

We love to gather together as we strive to follow Jesus in this community He has placed us in.  By meeting together, we learn, encourage, challenge and help one another to walk with Jesus intentionally.

Hello Bainbridge Community, Griefshare will resume Monday evenings 6:30 -8:30 pm  – September 9, 2024  thru December 9th, 2024 
 If you have lost a loved one this is a great video series to help walk through the journey of grief. We meet at the Community House Conoy Townshop, 2346 River Road, Bainbridge . Please call 717-951-9000 for more information.


Bainbridge Youth Program

Gather for fun – food – fellowship – prizes

CONNECT is a youth program for young people in Grades 5 – 12 sponsored by some of the Conoy Township churches.  Each Thursday evening (1st  & 3rd) features activities, prizes, refreshments and a devotional time. Connect offers opportunities for the youth of our community to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to grow in a relationship with Him and each other. Connect youth outreach was started September 7, 2004.

Meetings are held at Bainbridge Elementary School.  On non-school days they are held at Word of Life Chapel.

Youth must stay and participate from 6:00 thru 7:30 pm unless picked up early by their parents.

First-time participants are encouraged to have parents accompany them to registration.

Phones should be for emergency use only.

2024 –  2025 Meetings


July 28, 2024

8:45 – 9:15 AM. – COFFEE FELLOWSHIP! If you would be interested in providing light refreshments and making coffee –SIGN UP SHEET POSTED IN THE BACK!

9:15 AM Training and Discipleship Electives

1.) NEW ELECTIVE – LED BY DAIN KULP IN THE MPR! Judges- a 350 year

time period when Israel repeatedly “did evil in the eyes of the Lord “, and “

every man did as he saw fit “. The necessity of a righteous king to lead the

nation in covenant obedience laid the foundation for king David’s reign and

points us to the reign of King Jesus over his Church and our hearts.

2.) Class led by Ken Rutt continues in the libraryStudy in Acts– we will

see how the question marks guide us in understanding how this solid faith is

applied in the lives of the believers.

3.) There is no Ladies Class meeting at this time.

10:15 am. Worship Service

Worship in Singing –

Here I Am to Worship



Worship in Singing –

Blessed Assurance

Amazing Grace(My Chains are Gone)



(Chapel Kids dismissed – Children ages 4 through 5th Grade)

Scripture Reading –


Church Unity

John 17:20-26

Pastor Aaron

Closing Prayer


5 pm. – Men’s Fellowship Group meeting at the church.

*We receive our offerings by means of the offering boxes at the

entrances. Thank you-for giving to the Lord.

Online Giving is available.


Monday, July 29 – Friday, August 2 Youth Week at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference. Pray for each one attending!

Caleb Aungst, Josh Aungst, Maddie Aungst, Matthew Bain, Zach Bain, Owen Becker, Nolan Gardner, Zane Gardner, Charlotte Gault, Leah Griffen, Chase Fenicle, Emma Fernald, Callie Hammer, Emma Hammer, Mason Haver, Chase Kauffman, Eva Kauffman, Maddie Kline, Grayson Kriner, Cayden McFadden. Nathan Mellaby, Josie Neefe, Cole Scanlin, Jake Scanlin, George Shaker, Mariam Shaker, Evelyn Smucker, Paige White. 

Leaders: Gina & Mike Scanlin, Chad & Kylen White, Dan & Katie Aungst, Eric Habecker, Aaron & Heather Spoonhour.

Wednesday, July 31 – Adult Prayer Time – 6:30 pm.

Wednesday, July 31 NO YOUTH Student Ministry (HCBC WEEK!)

Friday, August 2 – BE FAMILY – meeting at Chip & Brittany Kirby’s home.


SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, 2024 – SPECIAL SERVICE to celebrate the Building Addition Mortgage Satisfaction. Guest Speaker – Pastor Dave Dilworth / Church Family Dinner! Chicken BBQ and hot sides will be provided! Each family is asked to bring either a salad or a dessert!Looking forward to a great celebration together

Tuesday, August 6 Ladies Bible Study – 9:30 am.

Thursday, August 8 LADIES POOL PARTY at Diane Burke’s 4 pm. – Bring an appetizer/dish to share! Sharon Rabe will be sharing a devotional.

Sunday, August 11 YOUTH KICK OFF SUNDAY! The Youth Group will present their HCBC experience through word and media. The message will be youth-oriented. Pool party at Charlie & Julia Book’s following the morning service – 12 – 4 pm. Lunch, swimming, and fishing.

Sunday, August 11 – Sarah Holloway(from CEF Wayne-Pike Counties) will be sharing in the morning service.

Friday, August 16 YOUNG ADULT GATHERING – at the home of Keith & Marcia Heigel(2495 Donegal Springs Rd., Marietta) 5:30 – 9:30 pm. Cook out Games – Join Us!

Tuesday, August 20 Seasoned Citizens! Hershey Trolley Ride from 11:40 – 12:55/ Lunch at Hershey Bistro following – you need to sign up TODAY – AS A COUNT IS NEEDED for this event! Your $ is due to Sue Ziegler or Marcia Heigel by Sunday, August 4th- $19.00. Please indicate if you would like transportation!

Sunday, August 25 Bill & Janice Richoux are sharing in the 9:15 am. hour.




CHURCH MEMBERSHIP – If you would be interested in learning more about membership at WOLC please see Pastor Aaron!

The following nominations have been approved by the Church Board for the Deacon positions: Sue Miller (Congregational Care), Wayne Miller (Property Management), and Tina Gruber ( Community Outreach). We will vote at a short Congregational Meeting following the morning service on August 11th.

WOLC YOUTH REUNION is being planned for SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 FROM 4 – 7 PM. at Word of Life Chapel! Celebrating 40 years of God’s Faithfulness! If you or your children were in the Youth Group between the years of 1980 – 2020 – YOU ARE INVITED! Please RSVP(Linda Coble- 717-669-4205) or Marcia (717-519-7454) by August 3 if you are planning to attend. Dinner will be provided/Testimonies & memories will be shared/Lots of photos and  door prizes given away! *If you would be willing to give a donation to be used for this event, please see Keith or Marcia.

Youth Pastor Search Committee: Hi Church Family, we have been working to develop a job description for this position, which was completed this past week. The next step is to begin outreach efforts. A copy of the job description is posted on the bulletin board. Please continue to be in prayer for the search process and feel free to contact Pastor Aaron or a member of the search committee if you have any questions. Thanks so much. Dan Aungst, Zac Bricker, Dori Hammer, Dean Hershey, Gina Scanlin, Aaron Spoonhour, & Chad White.


WOLC Mexico TeamGary Smedley, Denny Mohr, Jessica Doling, Marlee Lancaster, Phil Collins, Sherry Collins, Jon Smedley. Returning tomorrow – Monday, July 29. Jackie Miller –serving in Mexico with Rod & Mayra Fry!

Carole Landis, Mexico – Continue to pray for the ministry at LaRoca Bible Institute and the camping ministry. Carole kicked off the camping ministry speaking at a 2 day retreat for 140 women. There were 2 weeks of High school students and then a Jr. High week, followed by grade school children in August. She is praising God for good health at age 92! Pray for fruit at summer camps, for new students at the Bible Institute and provision of financial needs at the Institute. She is thankful for the growth at the Bible Church in La Roca – as they reach out with the Gospel.

Global Outreach Update Letters available on tables at each entrance!