August is here! This month, our men’s fellowship group will be held on August 18 from 5 to 7 in the MPR. Come join us for a meal, some conversation, and a bit of a study/discussion. This month, we will be discussing the final chapter of the book “Dangerous Good” by Kenny Luck which is titled “Powerfully Called Forward.” There is no sign up sheet for this month, so please just show up ready to eat and talk. Feel free to bring a dessert or a side, but don’t feel like you have to. If you have any questions, email me or text me please (, 717-368-0194).
Also, the men’s retreat is less than a month away on September 6 – 8. The sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board waiting for you to sign up!
The retreat is being held in the same location as last year, the True Life cabin in Jonestown ( It will once again be open to youth and older, so those old enough to attend our Wednesday night youth group are welcome to come with a responsible man. The cost is $55. This year, we will be purchasing the food, rather than asking for donations for most items, however we are asking that you bring a dessert or snack. A sign up will be posted soon for dessert/snack sign up.
Are you interested in cornhole during the retreat? Bring your cornhole set! Please let me know if you are willing to bring your cornhole set, or if you are willing to set up a cornhole tournament. I could use some help in that area.